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The Asian Pacific American Friends of Theater is dedicated to the promotion of casting Asian Pacific American actors to play non-ethnic specific American roles in American plays on main stage theaters.

APAFT encourages the development of the theater arts skills of APA actors, writers, directors and other performers; and strives to educate the public and advocate for changes in access to the main stage theaters. 


APAFT supports the concept of “open casting” as to all main stage productions except where the historical setting or the plot requires a specific race or gender in the character part. APAFT believes that if it’s an “American” play with American characters – then we should be allowed to audition and be cast to play these parts – after all WE ARE AMERICANS. APAFT believes that the lack of casting of diverse artists on our main stages in this region represents a glass ceiling that APAFT must help to shatter!

We believes that if APA actors, other stage performers, appear on the main stage playing “American” characters, rather than stereo-typical parts, and then when they play these parts with professionalism and excellence, these performances will enhance the positive image of Asian Pacific’s in America.


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